Noun Clause

Noun Clause

Ketika kita berbicara tentang tata bahasa dalam bahasa Indonesia, salah satu konsep yang perlu dipahami adalah klausa nomina, atau dalam bahasa Inggris dikenal sebagai "noun clause." Klausa nomina adalah bagian penting dalam struktur bahasa yang memainkan peran unik dalam kalimat. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan menjelajahi apa itu klausa nomina, peran pentingnya dalam bahasa, dan bagaimana klausa ini digunakan dalam komunikasi sehari-hari.

Pengertian Noun Clause

Klausa nomina adalah sekelompok kata yang mengandung subjek dan predikat, tetapi berfungsi sebagai kata benda dalam kalimat. Dalam klausa nomina, kata benda ini bisa menjadi subjek, objek langsung, objek tak langsung, atau pelengkap dalam kalimat. Noun clause dapat befungsi sebagai subjek dalam kalimat, apabila noun clause terletak sebelum kata kerja dan Noun clause dapat berfungsi sebagai objek apabila terletak setelah kata kerja.

Macam - Macam  Noun Clause

Noun clause diawali oleh beberapa kata, yaitu that, where, why, what, who, how, dan if / wheater. Untuk lebih jelasnya, berikut adalah penjelasan mengenai beberapa kata kata tersebut.

1. That (Bahwa)

Sebagai Subject

  • That she forgot my birthday made me sad.
  • That she is smart fascinates me.
  • That he was late caused some concern among the team.
  • That she won the competition surprised everyone.
  • That they had to cancel the event disappointed many attendees.

Sebagai Object

  • Do you know that Dillan is representing our school in the speech contest?
  • I hope that he will make it.
  • I think that he is smart
  • She believes that he is innocent.
  • They hope that the weather will be good for the picnic.

2. Where (Dimana)

Sebagai Subject

  • Where they go after school is a mystery.
  • Where she chooses to travel for her vacation is entirely up to her.
  • Where the treasure is hidden remains unknown to us.
  • Where we will spend our holiday is still uncertain.

Sebagai Object

  • She doesn't know where they went after school.
  • He asked me where I had put the keys.
  • We'll find out where the meeting will be held tomorrow.
  • Last week, our cat gave birth to a litter of kittens, but we didn't know where our cat was.
  • I couldn’t find out where she hid the piggy bank.

3. Why (Mengapa)

Sebagai Subject

  • Why she left the company is still a mystery.
  • Why they made that decision remains unclear.
  • Why he chose that path is known only to him.
  • Why she was found dead is still a mystery for everyone.
  • Why she left is not important.

Sebagai Object

  • She doesn't understand why he left so suddenly.
  • He asked me why I didn't attend the meeting.
  • We'll discover why the machine isn't working properly.
  • The police officers are still investigating why the accident happened.
  • I don't know why I love you

4. When (Kapan)

Sebagai Subject

  • When they arrive is uncertain.
  • When the concert will take place has not been announced yet.
  • When the rain will stop remains a topic of conversation.
  • When she got married surprised me.
  • When they will leave for Europe is still unknown.

Sebagai Object

  • Do you know when we should submit it?
  • She can't predict when the train will arrive.
  • He asked me when the next meeting is scheduled.
  • We will find out when the package will be delivered.
  • I still remember clearly when the accident happened.

5. What (Apa)


What + Subject + Verb

What + Verb

Sebagai Subject

  • What she said surprised everyone.
  • What they will decide is still unknown.
  • What he wants for his birthday is a mystery.
  • What the future holds remains uncertain.
  • What we need is a clear plan.

Sebagai Object

  • She doesn't understand what he meant by that comment.
  • He asked me what time the movie starts.
  • We will find out what the solution to the problem is.
  • She wonders what the weather will be like tomorrow.
  • They discussed what to include in the presentation.

6. Who (Siapa)


Who + Subject + Verb

Who + Verb

Sebagai Subject 

  • Who will lead the team is still undecided.
  • Who they choose as the new manager will have a significant impact.
  • Who can solve this problem remains a question.
  • Who passed the exam is a matter of interest.
  • Who broke the vase is unknown at this point.

Sebagai Object

  • She wonders who he invited to the party.
  • He asked me who she is dating.
  • We will discover who the winner of the competition is.
  • She questioned who would take care of her pets during her absence.
  • They discussed who should be assigned to the project.
7. How (Bagaiamana)

Sebagai Subject 

  • How she managed to complete the project is impressive.
  • How they achieved such success remains a topic of discussion.
  • How we can improve our communication is essential to our teamwork.
  • How we won the contest was good.
  • How we respond to challenges defines our character.
Sebagai Object
  • She explained how to solve the complex math problem.
  • He asked me how she managed to lose weight.
  • We discussed how the team could work more efficiently.
  • She demonstrated how to prepare the delicious dessert.
  • They will learn how to use the new software program.
8. if (jika)

If hanya dapat digunakan sebagai object
  • She is unsure if they will attend the party.
  • He asked me if she could borrow my laptop.
  • We are considering if we should take a vacation this year.
  • She wonders if the concert will be canceled due to the weather.
  • They will find out if the project is feasible within the given budget.
9. Whether (Apakah)

Noun Clause diawali oleh whether harus diakhiri dengan or not.

Sebagai subject
  • Whether or not he gets the money doesn’t concern me.
  • Whether she will join the team or not is still uncertain.
  • Whether they can secure the funding or not depends on their proposal.
  • Whether he will attend the conference or not remains undecided.
  • Whether the project will be completed on time or not is a concern for the management.

Sebagai Object
  • I’m wondering whether I should have beef or fish for dinner.
  • I can’t tell whether she wants to go with me or not.
  • She asked me whether I could attend the meeting or not.
  • He wants to know whether you have completed the assignment or not.
  • They discussed whether the changes should be implemented immediately or not.
Note !!!
If dan Whether digunakan untuk pertanyaan yes or no question

Kesimpulannya, klausa kata benda merupakan bagian integral dari tata bahasa Inggris, memungkinkan kita menyampaikan ide dan informasi kompleks dalam kalimat. Dengan memahami fungsi dan tipe umumnya, Anda dapat meningkatkan keterampilan bahasa dan berkomunikasi dengan lebih efektif.

Sekarang setelah Anda memperoleh wawasan tentang klausa kata benda, Anda sudah siap untuk menavigasi seluk-beluk struktur kalimat dan tata bahasa. Ingat, latihan membuat sempurna, jadi teruslah mengeksplorasi dan menerapkan pengetahuan Anda tentang klausa kata benda dalam tulisan dan percakapan Anda.

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